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Blog 9

Blog 9

Financial trading

I am not a professional trader. However, I do love it. I believe that we are in a commodities bull cycle. This is because commodities are finite. Zoltan Pozsar is someone that I agree with.

Gold will go up eventually because CB’s will start buying again. One reason is that the USA (and others) have frozen Russia’s cash reserves. Therefore, countries will be nervous of holding dollars as a reserve asset. Gold has no counter party risk. If you hold it in your own country, no-one can take it from you. With the dollar they can.

Russia has access to its reserves with China. The world has changed. Therefore, people must change their mindset before it is too late. If they do not prepare, they may lose their wealth big time. Moreover, inflation has a way making your money lose its buying power. It is a tax, but a hidden one.

I do this as a hobby. My fitness is the exact same (a hobby). Therefore, my voice or position may be stronger than a professional. This is because people get burned out. They even may reach a level of incompetence. I just say it as it is. If a police/man/woman has dealt with too many drunks. They may have hardened mentally. It can happen in any profession as well.

More people should be like me. I am not a burden to the state. I will be financial independent too. If you learn trading, you can do it yourself. I love it, but only because I enjoy it. This is the secret for all too. (do what you love) I trade long term; it is less stress. I do buy and sell shares, but only usually if the market is in my favour.

Van life

I am in Swindon as I write this blog post. The van life gives me this freedom to roam. I love it too. No two days are the same. However, navigating people is always the same. I am an outsider with a different way. Once they get use to me, they do warm to me.

I parked and made my meal. I used my generator to use my rice cooker. It boils my chicken and broccoli. It only takes 20 minutes. I eat by the roadside. I smile and it is a good life.

This is the beauty of my life. I park up. I cook. I eat. I wash. I may even have a little nap.

I am always thinking of ways that will make my life better. I am self-sufficient in my van. One thing I would like is a high watt power bank.

My life will get easier with a 1000w power bank. It is just time and patience. I never rush a purchase because you must always have a high reserve of cash. I do. My van may need repairs. I may need to stay in a hotel. Therefore, I will wait until I have a new temp job.

Emergencies can come in many forms. It is always best to other options. Moreover, money is freedom too. Freedom comes in many forms. I like having numerous choices.

I have 300 watts solar now and will have 400 watts next week. It is just one more cable. I do things slowly. If I am honest, solar is perfect. Free energy and it keeps my batteries topped up. Previously, I had to run my engine and go on trips to charge my batteries. Now it charges on a stop. The solar keeps my fridge going all day, but I must switch off at night.

Personal development

My six-pack is a challenge that I will do. However, I must delay until I have my temp job. I never do red line now. Experience has taught me this.

The next time I go for the six-pack. I will say nothing to no-one. People are jealous. Most are broke, and they will never each their true potential. This is because you must read the books of masters.

It is only a 2-week delay. Then one month max to get it. Waiting is painful, but it is a skill too.

If I am honest my trading, my fitness and the van life, they all make my life better in personal development.

1. Trading will give me financial independence.

2. Fitness keeps me healthy, and also my nutrition does this.

3. Van life gives me freedom and happiness. Therefore, all three together complement my life.

I have just bought a book, and I do recommend that all read it. They do say that knowledge is power. My position is history repeats. It will give you peace too. It does with me.

If you would like to get on, you must read history. Life will be easier for you if you do. It is all about little steps. In turn those steps give you good foundations.

I never drink alcohol or do anything illegal. I may speed sometimes, but we all do this. I travel a lot. Therefore, I may make a mistake in an area that I do not know. Life happens but usually I do not do it intentionally.

In Swindon, the people are laid back. This could be a good place for me to do my own thing.

Relaxing and getting the six-pack are interlinked. If you are too stressed, it may make things harder. It just depends on the person’s thinking.

People in cities may have choices if they have money. Moreover, it may be a second house in the countryside. Relaxing away from all the noise and pace of life may be slower in the countryside too. Therefore, it is all interlinked. It is just getting the right mindset. (I have this.) Preparation and then going for it.

I just travel and be in a new location. The people are usually different slightly in every location. For example, towns, cities and rural location make people different in mannerism. I love this.

Ian loves life, and you should too.


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